Meet the new Oyama Lake Team!

Canada Day 2017 was an epic day for us over here at Oyama Lake. It was our official transition day from “Oyama Lake Fishing Resort” to “Oyama Lake Eco Lodge.”

Here we are on the deck with our new team chapeau’s, ready to take on the summer. From left to right you have Sam (aka mom), Nickie & Nick (Mr. Maintenance Man). Drop by for a visit and say hello!

Published on: August 21, 2017  -  Filed under: Uncategorized


randy scott

January 21, 2018 at 4:48 pm

looks good sam definatly will visit an fish this yr,,cheers randy an tina ,,an our dog duck


April 18, 2018 at 4:13 pm

congratulations, and all the best, looking forward to meeting yous.
cheers Kimberly.


May 9, 2018 at 5:47 pm

Hi There,

I was wondering what happened too
Looks like the resort was sold?



May 19, 2018 at 8:46 pm

Hello… We took over the business last year but Chickie is still our neighbor! Cheers

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